Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Isaac and Jeremy had a great time in the snow. When we asked Isaac the name of his snowman, he replied without hesitation "Dad, his name is Frosty!" And yes, when you can't find a button or coal the next best thing is Easter eggs!
The way it looks in Nebraska, Frosty will be with us for quite some time...

O Christmas Tree

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hats and Slippers...

It's been too long since our last update. We're all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the baby, and we've decided to keep the gender a surprise this time!! Isaac is convinced he's having a sister...we'll find out around the 11th of February! Nine weeks and counting.
Here are a few pictures from tonight...

Jeremy and Isaac watching football

Isaac sporting his new slippers...thank you Grandma ~ we love them!